Plant Information

Lonicera nitida Lemon Beauty

Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty'

Common Name: Lemon Beauty Box Honeysuckle

Hardiness Zone: 7b - 11

Hardiness Degree: 10°F (-12.2°C)

Blooming Season: Summer

Plant Habit: Mounded

Characteristics: Rabbit Resistant, Colorful/Attractive Foliage, Low Maintenance, Frost Tolerant

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Once a month

Spacing: 12 - 24" (30 - 61cm)

Height: 18 - 30" (46 - 76cm)

Width: 18 - 30" (46 - 76cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Easy to grow woody clumper covered with small narrow green leaves, each with a nice golden border. Easy to prune, this plant works well in mass hedging, borders or containers. In spring, the new growth has an attractive purplish brown cast. Grows to 3 feet tall.

Grower Information:

Attractive shrub with mounded habit and eye-catching, colorful foliage is a unique impulse item at retail. Low-maintenance 'Lemon Beauty' is easy to produce, and is a perfect foundation plant or mixed container component. It is also rabbit-resistant and frost-tolerant. Variegated yellow and green foliage.