Scientific Name: Viola x wittrockiana
Common Name: Standard Pansy
Hardiness Zone: 5a - 8b
Hardiness Degree: -20°F (-28.9°C)
Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Autumn
Plant Habit: Mounded
Water: Medium
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Spacing: 6 - 7" (15 - 18cm)
Height: 5 - 6" (13 - 15cm)
Width: 6" (15cm)
Exposure: Partial Sun, Sun
General Information: Compact and free-flowering from fall through early spring. Does not need cool temperatures to initiate buds. Blooms under long and short days.
Crop Time: Packs, Spring: 12 to 15 weeks; Summer: 11 to 14 weeks
Compact and free-flowering from Fall through early Spring. Early; does not need cool temperatures to initiate buds. Blooms under long and short days.