Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Petunia x hybrida
Common Name: Petunia, Mounded petunia
Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring
Plant Habit: Mounded, Upright
Characteristics: Low Maintenance
Spacing: 6 - 10" (15 - 25cm)
Height: 6 - 8" (15 - 20cm)
Width: 8 - 12" (20 - 30cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Beautiful and compact in containers and hanging baskets with loads of bold color.
Grower Information:
Perfect for premium pots and 10-in. (25-cm) hanging baskets, CannonBall offers excellent uniformity in habit and timing across all colors. Compact habit makes it easy to grow for pot-tight production. Early to flower. All colors finish within a week of each other. Good branching; requires no pinch and no PGRs.
Protection Information: US7,642,436
(Flowering Only License)