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Week 7 – February 13, 2025

Plant Information

Figaro Light Rose Matthiola

  • Figaro Light Rose Matthiola - Bloom
  • Figaro Light Rose Matthiola - Single Stem, White Background
Growing Information:
Culture Guidelines
Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Matthiola incana

Common Name: Northern Greenhouse Selectable Matthiola (Stock)

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring

Plant Habit: Upright

Characteristics: Fragrant Flowers, Frost Tolerant

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Height: 30" (76cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Timed great for professional cut flower growers.

Grower Information:

Planting density: 6 plants/ft.2 (64 plants/m2)
Best for: Greenhouse

Plug crop time: 5 to 6 weeks
Transplant to finish: Winter, 11 to 12 weeks; Spring, 8 to 9 weeks; Summer, 6 to 8 weeks; Autumn, 4 to 7 weeks

Bred for specific seasonal performance, the Aida, Figaro, Opera and Mathilda series offer an outstanding lineup of greenhouse-grown selectable matthiola for year-round production. These matthiola are well-matched for timing and deliver very uniform plant performance. Transplanting for seasons earlier than listed will result in later flowering.

Greenhouse-grown matthiola are distinguished from field-grown types by the softer green leaves.

NOTE: Selectable matthiola will produce approximately 50% double-flowering types, but it is easy to select out the single-flowered types at the young plant stage. Refer to the PanAmerican Seed Product Information Guide at for details.

Figaro Series (Winter Flowering, Group 1,2)

Stem length: 30 in./76 cm

Other Varieties