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Week 8 – February 16, 2025

Plant Information

Katz Purple Matthiola

  • Katz Purple Matthiola - Bloom
  • Katz Purple Matthiola - Cutflower
Growing Information:
Culture Guidelines
Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Matthiola incana

Common Name: Stock

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Blooming Season: Spring, Autumn

Plant Habit: Upright

Characteristics: Fragrant Flowers

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Height: 32" (81cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Full, lush plants with lots of blooms can withstand garden temperatures as low as 22°F (-6°C). Produces approximately 50% double-flowering plants. 

Grower Information:

Stem length: 32 in./80 cm
Planting density: 12 plants/ft.2 (126 plants/m2)
Best for: High tunnel, field

Plug crop time: 4 weeks
Transplant to finish: 8 to 13 weeks

  • Delivers shorter crop time, uniform stem length and timing between colours, and better heat tolerance than European or traditional field types.
  • Can be grown earlier and later in the season, and even year-round in some climates, allowing for programmable Christmas through Valentine’s Day flowering.
  • Katz matthiola will produce approximately 50% double-flowering types.

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