Scientific Name: Leucanthemum x superbum
Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Hardiness Zone: 5a - 9b
Blooming Season: Summer
Plant Habit: Mounded
Water: Medium
Fertilize: None or when needed only
Spacing: 26 - 28" (66 - 71cm)
Height: 14 - 16" (36 - 41cm)
Width: 26 - 28" (66 - 71cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Lemon-yellow buds open to cream flowers. A compact, dome-shaped habit steals the show in early to mid-Summer.
Lemon yellow buds open to cream flowers. A compact, dome-shaped habit steals the show in early to mid-Summer.
Protection Information: PP30,074
(Flowering Only License)