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Week 8 – February 16, 2025
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Apr 7, 2020
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team Facebook group

The Greenhouse Tech Team is a private Facebook Group facilitated by Ball Horticultural Company that encourages greenhouse professionals to engage, interact and share tips and tricks so we can all grow the best crops to Color the World.

Signing up to be a member is a great way to stay informed on new ways to produce the best plants. Information is organized into "post topics" to help make searching easier. If you have a question of your own, post it in the "ask an expert" topic. Or, if you would like to see a specific topic/challenge covered, post it in the comments section. 

Have a question about the group? Let us know below. Or, submit your membership here to connect with the group admin.

Tags: Tips & Tricks
Reader Comments (4)
If I want to plant baby eucalyptus in my cut flowers field on first week on june, can I plant my seeds on march 9th in my heated greenhouses? I can't do it before because that is the date I start my heating..
Thursday, January 13, 2022 | claude Gauthier
Hello Claude,

Eucalyptus is a fairly slow-growing crop, and sowing seed on March 9th may not give you enough time to produce robust transplants. It takes about 8 weeks from sow to grow a transplantable eucalyptus seedling, and another 6-8 weeks to produce a finished plant in a 4-inch pot.

All in all, you're looking at a 14-16 week crop time from sow to a transplantable 4-inch into the field, so you would need to start seedlings closer to the first week of February. If you are ok with transplanting something smaller than a 4-inch into the field (ex. smaller pot, 1801- or another large-cell flat), an early March sow date may accommodate the schedule you're hoping for!
Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Nick Flax, Ball Seed Technical Services Specialist
im trying to log in but something is wrong
Friday, January 28, 2022 | elaine fuehrer
Hi Elaine
To be included at the Facebook Group for the Greenhouse Tech Team, be sure you've submitted your membership Log in would then take place through your Facebook account.
Friday, January 28, 2022 | Ball Seed Team
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