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Week 3 – January 12, 2025
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Apr 15, 2020
Victory gardens, part II ... Now with resources for YOU!

We shared earlier this month how the rising interest in gardening is making its way across North America during shelter-in-place. In fact, fruit and vegetable seeds were recently named by as one of the “5 weird products Americans are stockpiling (besides sanitizer and toilet paper)” (FYI: That online publication has a reader reach of 186 million!) The plant demand is there, and whether consumers are growing vegetables or using their garden as therapy, your business can join the conversation and me sure #GardeningIsEssential.

Speaking of #GardeningIsEssential, at our Facebook page, Ball Seed has shared several posts that YOU can use to highlight all the benefits of flowers, vegetables and herbs. Some of our FREE photos are below ... Check them out online and share-away from your own social profiles.




There are also plenty of industry resources out there now to keep the momentum in your favor as an essential business...

The National Garden Bureau has how-to advice for starting a Victory Garden. They have an ongoing series at their blog titled “Victory Garden 2.0 - 10 Steps for Planting Your Own”. You can repurpose all their great content for your own newsletters and social sharing, just be sure to credit National Garden Bureau if you put their resources to use. The NGB team has 12 ready-to-share grpahics featuring timely tips (see photos below) so be sure to scroll to the very bottom of each blog.

From their #PlantsDoThat campaign, the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH) has very specific resources for you to use in these unusual times. It’s a great time to inspire new plant lovers, and this group of university and industry partners has your back!

What other resources have YOU seen to keep gardening top-of-mind? Share your insights in the comments below.

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