Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Lobelia x speciosa
Common Name: Cardinal Flower
Blooming Season: Summer, Autumn, Late Summer
Plant Habit: Columnar, Upright
Characteristics: Water/Rain tolerant, Shade Tolerant
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Spacing: 14 - 16" (36 - 41cm)
Height: 20 - 24" (51 - 61cm)
Width: 8 - 12" (20 - 30cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Summer to fall-flowering perennial attracts hummingbirds. Showy, mid-height plant covered with masses of flowers is ideal for mixed containers but equally striking in gardens. Sturdy, bushy plant is low maintenance.
Grower Information:
Plug crop time (288 tray): Scarlet, 7 to 9 weeks; all others, 8 to 10 weeks
Transplant to finish: 14 to 18 weeks
- Earlier flowering; improved branching; low stretch; uniform, controlled habit; and huge flower power assure a better-quality finished plant than the competition.
- Pretty Summer plant for beds and borders – prefers higher temperatures, humidity and moisture.
- Good germination and plug yield.
- Versatile series works well from 5-in./13-cm pots to higher-value 1 and 2-gallon containers.
- Performs well in both annual and perennial combos.
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
The most bronze-leaved variety in the series. Grows to 24 to 26 in./61 to 66 cm in height, about 4 to 6 in./13 to 15 cm taller than Scarlet, and is 1 week later to flower. Features an in-demand combination of deep bronze leaves with intense scarlet flower power.